TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 4/12/2023       TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Whittier Elementary School
DETAILS: Live Stream on D200 youtube ch...
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Communication With Host School
1. Principal Bob Cerny will report on Whittier Elementary School Info
Modifications to the Agenda
Recognitions & Achievements
1. ProStart Culinary Team 1st in State - TCD (Technology Center of DuPage) - WWSHS Ana Gomez Info
2. D200 Flying Tigers Basketball Team - Silver Medalists - State Championship Competition Info
Board President Report
1. Board President Chris Crabtree will Provide a Report Info
Public Comments - Agenda & Non-Agenda Items
1. Public comments are important to the Board. However, it is the Board's policy not to take action on items until time has been taken to gather information and discuss all options. Lack of action does not imply lack of interest in the issues. Info
Superintendent Report
1. Dr. Jeff Schuler will Report on a Variety of Topics Info
Consent Agenda Items
1. Approval to Post Middle School Novels for Review Action
2. Approval of Snack Vending Contract Renewal Action
3. Approval of Contract Extension for Physical Education Uniforms Action
4. Approval of the 2023-24 Student Fee Schedule Action
5. Acceptance and Approval of the 2021-2022 Financial Audit Action
6. Acceptance and Approval of the 2021-2022 Single Audit Action
7. Approval to Purchase Network Switches Action
8. Approval of Anti-Virus and End Point Security Software for District 200 Networked Devices Action
9. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll Action
10. Approval of Minutes (continued in summary) Action
11. Approval of Personnel Report to include Employment, Resignation, Retirement and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union staff Action
Policy Posting Consent Agenda*
1. Approval to Post Revised Policy 7:340 Student Records for Public Review and Comment Action
2. Approval to Post Revised Policy 8:80 Gifts to the District for Public Review and Comment Action
Action Items
1. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Non-reemployment of Full-time, First, Second, and Third-year, Non-tenured Certified Staff. Action
2. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Non-reemployment of Part-time, Non-tenured Certified staff. Action
Discussion Items
Written Reports
1. Monthly Financial Reports Info
2. FOIA Report Info
3. Board Communication Log Info
4. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report Info
Reports From Board Members
1. Other Reports from Board Members Info
Topics For Future Discussion
1. Middle School Facilities Plan Info
Next Regular Meeting
1. May 10, 2023 - 7:00 PM, School Service Center Info
1. April 26, 2023 - Committee of the Whole, 7:00 PM, SSC Info
2. May 10, 2023 - Board Reorganization Meeting, 7:00 PM, School Service Center Info
Closed Session
1. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1), 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(2), and 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(9) (continued in summary) Action
Reconvene in Open Session
1. Reconvene in Open Session Action
Action on Closed Session Items
1. Approval of Student Discipline Recommendation, Student E2022-23-04 Action
1. Adjourn the Meeting Action